Original Recipe.
 From the Maker
 of all things
  Bright and
   Live Food
    for live people.
  Designed for
and long life.
 That's the way it was to start with. In the beginning, before the industrialization of food products, frozen diners, or instant rice. Before fast food there was Instant food! Just pick and eat. No prep or processing. No labeling and packaging. What you saw was what you got. The whole banana. Nothing extracted or fortified. No need to enrich anything. It was all there just as it was intended—just as it was created!
 For many today, it still can be. Certain Blue Zone societies with ready access to a super abundance (and without a super market) literally live off the land. And they thrive without suffering the many ails that plague the modern advanced western lifestyle. Things like diabetes, heart disease, renal failure, arthritis, ulcers, constipation, allergies, hemorrhoids, obesity, hypertension, alzheimers and much more. They get all the fiber that is naturally in their handpicked delicacies. Fruit free of artificial sweeteners, flavor enhancers, pesticides, preservatives, and genetic modification delivers all the antioxidants, anthocyanins, isoflavones, energy efficient monosaccharides that each of us need but rarely get.

Choices, Choices
 Whole food plant-based nutrition is nothing new. Adam and Eve were introduced to this modern concept on day one. Right there in the Garden of Eden, they were instructed to eat the herb of the field (grains like rice, wheat, barley, corn, millet, buckwheat, and rye) and fruit with seeds. [Check out Genesis 1:29].
Close The Original Human Diet
Genesis 1:29 "I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed".
Think this is severly limiting? Just look at this enormous array of choices!
Apples, pineaples, custard apples, may apples, sugar apples and cactus apples—Oh, my! But that's not all. Passion fruit, mangoes, papaya and guava, apricot and avacados, bananas, oranges and tangesrines, peaches and pears, plums and pomegranates, lemons and limes, watermelon, muskmelon,crenshaw mellon, persian mellon and honeydew, grapes and grapefruit, kiwi and cantaloupe, cherries, quince, loquat and kumquat, soursop and sweetsop, dragon fruit, jackfruit, starfruit and breadfruit, lychee and rambutam, mangosteen, nectarine, persimmon, pawpaw and pomelo.
 And then there are the berries! Blueberries, blackberries, Boysenberry, Raspberries, Gooseberry, Huckleberries, Lingonberry, Loganberry, Elderberry, Strawberry, Cranberry, Mulberry, Sea berries and Acai berries, Goji berry and Honeyberry.
 Then the "I-can't-believe-this-is-a-fruit" list: Pumpkin, tomatoe, beans, peas, lentils, eggplant. Peppers: bell peppers, jalopenos, habeneras. Squash: Hubbard, crook-neck, summer, zuccini, pati-pan, acorn, butternut. Coconut, cucumber, and okra!

Au Naturale

 The benefits of following the Eden Edition is numerous and impressive. No cholesterol, no trans-fats, and no supersizing free oil to form bulges and pouches, double chins, buffalo wings and muffin tops where you don't want them. Achieving or maintaining Ideal Body Weight is not a problem.
Close IBW Calulations
110 lb x 5 lb per inch over 5 feet
100 lb x 5 lb per inch over 5 feet
B.J. Devine Formula 1974
Fiber-rich and fat-scant meals insure digestive regularity and a gallstone-free lifestyle.
 Dairy scarcity and poultry paucity guarantees freedom from degenerative arthritis, auto-immune maladies, gout, osteoporosis, and hyperacidity. High animal protein intake, especially casein protrein in milk and cheese, dramatically promotes neoplastic development, growth and spread as documented and demonstrated in the famous 20 year comprehensive China Study conducted by Cornell and Oxford universities.