Historic Papers

1892 Nov 15: WW Prescott to EG White
Reports on his toddler son and anticipates the next spirit-filled General Conference.
1892 Dec 27: WW Prescott to EG White
Contemplates producing a book on education similar to Gospel Workers
1892 Dec 28: WW Prescott to EG White
Report of securing use of a Society building on Main St for evangelistic meetings
1893 Jan 24: WW Prescott to EG White
Reports on performance of students from Australia and New Zealand
1893 Mar 23: WW Prescott to EG White
1893 Apr 9: Scanned Letter 44 to AT Jones
Last page 2nd paragraph quotes John 14:23 with irregularities compared with other copies of the same letter
1893 May 17: Letter 44 to AT Jones
Compared with the scanned letter above it ends after only 5 paragraphs.
1893 WW Prescott to WC White
Reports on new school at Mt. Vernon, and growth of Union College and need to expland Battle Creek.
1893 Jun 26: WW Prescott to WC White Care of Elder Hare
1893 Jul 4: WW Prescott to EG WhiteConcerns about student's Christian experience. Reports his trip to schools in the south and west, and his wife's father's death.
1893 Aug 10: WW Prescott to WC WhitePlans to have Lacey complete his classical training at Battle Creek, concerns about Prof. Caviness going to Australia, fears of financial conditions in America.
1893 Sep 7: WW Prescott to EG WhiteExpresses his desire to go outside America to expand the work, reports financial crisis, reports finished book Christian Education, his son now age two.
1893 Sep 12: WW Prescott to EG WhiteSending 6 copies of her new book on Education.
1893 Oct 5: WW Prescott to EG WhiteCorliss and Colcord to come to Australia. Elder Olsen arriving there from England via South Africa. Competetive games discouraged after receiving Mrs. White's letter. Dismissed several cooks at the college.
1894 Oct 23: WW Prescott to WC White
1893 Nov 8: WW Prescott to EG White
1893 Dec 8: WW Prescott to EG White
1894 Dec 6: WW Prescott to WC White
1895 May 20: WW Prescott to WC White
1895 Jul 19: OA Olsen to WW Prescott
1895 Sep 1: WW Prescott to EG White
1895 Sep 8: WW Prescott to EG White
1896 May 12: WW Prescott to EG White
1896 Jun 5: WW Prescott to WC White
1896 Jul 30: WW Prescott to EG White
1896 Aug 9: WW Prescott to EG White
1896 Aug 30: WW Prescott to EG White
1896 Sep 5: WW Prescott to WC White
1896 Oct 8: WW Prescott to EG White
1896 Nov 4: WW Prescott to SN Haskell
1896 Nov 10: WW Prescott to EG White
1897 Mar 16: EG White to HC Lacey
Encouraging the sick Laceys Text
1897 mar 18: EG White to HC Lacey
Encouraging the sick Laceys Text
1897 Mar 19: EG White to HC Lacey
"the only begotten of God" depended on his Father Text
1897 Mar 22: EG White to HC Lacey
Christ the comforter, His Spirit Text
1897 Mar 23: EG White to HC Lacey
Christ commands the armies of heaven Text
1897 Jun 30: EG White to HC Lacey
His inexperience, a different knowledge, imbibing unwise things
1897 Aug 4: WW Prescott to EG White
1897 Nov 15: WW Prescott to EG White
1898 Feb 21: WW Prescott to EG White
1898 Sep 12: WW Prescott to EG White
1899 Mar 30: WW Prescott to EG White
1899 Oct 26: WW Prescott to WC White
1899 Dec 28: WW Prescott to WC White
1900 Mar 16: WW Prescott to WC White
1900 Mar 30: WW Prescott to WC White
1900 Apr 26 WW Prescott to EG White
1900 May 9: WW Prescott to WC White
1900 Jun 1: WW Prescott to Echo Pub Co
1900 Aug 24: WW Prescott to WC White
1900 Sep 25: SN Haskell to EG White No.1.
1900 Sep 25: SN Haskell to EG White No.2
1901 Feb 25: WW Prescott to WC White
1901 Apr 8: WW Prescott to WC White
1902 May 19: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
Nyassaland (Malawi, Africa) property purchased; printing press for Mexico. Kellog's Book: The Living Temple to be reviewed by Dr. Waggoner.
1902 Jun 1: EJ Waggoner to WW Prescott
Waggoner wants to use the Bible as the only textbook in schools
1902 June 8: AG Daniells to WW Prescott
Considering EJ Waggoner to teach at EMC
1902 Jun 15: WW Prescott to EJ Waggoner
1902 Jul 3: WC White to AG Daniells
1902 Jul 3a: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
1902 Jul 3b: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
1902 Jul 16: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
1902 Dec 7: WW Prescott to FM Wilcox Kellogg and the Testimonies
1903 Sep 18: WC White to WW Prescott
1904 Jun 9: WW Prescott to JH Kellogg
Living Temple Critique
1904 Dec 8: WW Prescott to WC White
1905 Jul 31: WW Prescott to WC White
1908 Jan 1: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
1908 Jan 7: AG Daniells to WW Prescott
Plans to ask EGW about the daily
1908 Jan 13: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
1908 Feb 4: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
1908 Jul 27: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
1908 Aug 2: WW Prescott to Underwood
1908 Aug 2: WW Prescott to SN Haskell
1908 Aug 3: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
1908 Aug 7: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
1908 Aug 28: WW Prescott to AG Daniells
1915 Apr 6: WW Prescott to WC White

1919 Bible Conference Lecture Notes

 The Bible Conference was held Jul 1-19 at the Church Headquarters in Takoma Park, Maryland. Sixty-five attended: teachers, administrators, theologians, historians, biblical language experts and up to 9 stenographs who transcribed the lectures and most of the discussion except for one ellipsis when A.G. Daniells ordered them to stop during one particularly sensitive topic. The nearly 1,1000 pages lay untouched in the General Conference Archives until discovered in 1975 and published 1979 in Spectrum.
 The agenda topics included the Eastern question, the king of the north, the 1260 years, the two covenants, the "daily", the Arian-Trinity controversy, and the inspiration of the Bible and Ellen White. Unfortunately, Ellen's son, W.C. White, did not attend. He could have contributed valuable details pertaining to his mother's life, her position and statements.
W.W. Prescott morning sessions on the person of Christ which centers on eternity, co-equality between Father and Son.
1919 Bible Conference discussions July 2
1919 Bible Conference discussions July 3
1919 Bible Conference discussions July 6
1919 Bible Conference discussions July 7
1919 Bible Conference discussions July 13
1919 Bible Conference discussions July 14
1919 Bible Conference discussions July 19

1921 Apr 21: Edson White to AG Daniells
Typed: Details of Edson in the Southern Work
1921 May 12: AT Jones to Brother Holmes
Typed: Recounting history of 1888 before and after
1924 Dec 5: FM Wilcox to HC Lacey
Sympathizing for "this great trial" Lacey is passing through
1925 Apr 12: FM Wilcox to HC Lacey
Explains why he's not printing Lacey's study on Ecclesiastes
1925 Apr 13: LE Froom to HC Lacey
Lacey disconnecting from Washington? Froom likes his scholarly approach. Not necessary to retain all the details our founders laid down. Remarkable that so few errors are found in Uriah Smith's book.
1932 May 11: WC White to LE Froom
1932 Jun 29: FH Westphal to WC White
Typed: Recounts EGW's words at the 1888 GC
1934 Feb 25: LE Froom to WW Prescott
Typed Excerpt:
1934 Mar 5: Unknown to WW Prescott
1934 Mar 15: Branson-Shaw to Evans
1934 May 8: WW Prescott to ME Kern
1934 May 13: IH Evans to WW Prescott
Prescott requests retirement from EMC
1934 May 17: IH Evans to WWPrescott
Offered an office in the GC building
1935 Colcord-Melchisedec as Christ
EGW letter stating Melchisedec is the Holy Spirit disputed.
1935 Jan 24: HW Carr to WC White
Questions EGW on Holy Spirit, prayer to Father, Dan 11:45
1934 Mar 9: Prescott to Branson-Shaw
1935 Apr 30: WC White to HW Carr
Typed: Comments about 1888 EGW statements concerning God turning to others to take the message to the world.
1936 Jul 24: HC Lacey to Samuel Kaplan
Denial of his "writing" Desire of Ages, repeats history
1936 Jul 27: HC Lacey - Statement
Retells his talks on Personality of Holy Spirit in 1895
1936 Nov 5: Wilkinson - Dr. Teters
'Seventh-day Advents do not and never have accepted the...Trinity' 'something like Siamese twins'
1937 Sept: AL White to his Siblings
on the Death of Their Father
1937 Sep 16: Dores Robinson to FE Belden
WC White's death and character in life
1945 Aug 8: LE Froom & HC Lacey Letters
Froom: Andreasen claimed no agitation about Desire of Ages statements; Robinson: 1896 Lacey spoke on Trinity at Cooranbong; Prescott favored 'I AM' statements and 'Christ the eternal Son'; Marian Davis influenced; 1894 Lacey attends Student Volunteer Movement in Detroit; AG Daniells notes DA 671 'third person of the Godhead'
1947 Apr 2: HC Lacey to AW Spalding
Detailed autobiography of Lacey's life
1947 June 2: AW Spalding to HC Lacey
How can we prove succession of faith if the pioneers were Arian?
1947 Jun 5: HC Lacey to AW Spalding
How EGW became Trinitarian, succession of faith? None.
1955 Apr 26: LE Froom to RR Figuhr
Report on meeting with Martin and Cannon and answering their 24 questions; Froom wrote 18 of them. They were planning to expose Adventists as the most damaging of cults. But now 'we have won friends in a powerful circle"
1955 Aug 8: LE Froom to RR Figuhr
Appeals to add Roy Allen Anderso to the 'team' as Martin is adding Barnhouse. 'The time has come for some things to happen.' 'misconception of Adventists is on the fundamentals...a great barrier.'
1955 Dec 14: LE Froom to RR Figuhr
Wilkinson sent letter with 12 others protesting his signature was unauthorized.
1960 Jan 9: LE Froom to OH Christensen
Typed Excerpt: Otto Christensen accuses Froom of 'bending over backward' and 'placating' the evangelicals. Froom accuses him of echoing Andreasen. Uriah Smith cited as in absolute conflict with SOP. 'We follow the principle of the majority decision.'
1960 Sep 6: LE Froom to W Beaman
Typed Excerpt: 'divine but not actually God in the eternal sense...a degraded Christ'
1960 Sep 12: LE Froom to CB Clark
Typed Excerpt: Only a few clung to the Arian view until the truth was presented in the 1888 conference
1960 Oct 12: OH Christensen to LE Froom
1960 Oct 27: LE Froom to OH Christensen
Typed Excerpt: Complains of being 'pummeled by some of the old timers' for promoting 'the personality of the Holy Spirit as the Third Person'
1960 Nov 9: LE Froom to S Harlan
Typed Excerpt: Jones and Waggoner, Weiland and Short, Andreasen, Prescott and Daniells
1961 May 3: LE Froom to SA Bartlett
Typed Excerpt: Certain historical positions corrected by SOP and repudiated by the denomination. Earlier days did not study nature of Christ, Deity, personality of Spirit.
1961 Aug 10: RA Anderson to LE Froom
1961 Aug 27: LE Froom to TG Bunch
Typed Excerpt: Froom's version of SDA Church history claiming EJ Waggoner presented Christ 'without beginning' and 'complete equality with God'
1961 Oct 17: LE Froom to AK Armstrong
Typed Excerpt: Froom's new class 'Historical Development of SDA Doctrine' states 1844-1888 little attention paid to views on Godhead, eternal existence or Deity of Christ; a small group held Arian views until Jones-Waggoner presented 'fulness of the Godhead in Christ.'
1966 Jan 4: LE Froom to RH Adair
Typed Excerpt: Evangelical conferences were a 'break-through into a recognition...as true Christians'
1966 Jan 18: LE Froom to RA Anderson
Proud of their accomplishments in producing the book 'Evanglism'
1966 Jan 18: LE Froom to LC Kleuser
Miss Louise 'had a very definite part' in preparing the book 'Evangelism'
1966 Feb 28: LE Froom to RP Brown
Typed Excerpt: Calcord wrote Bible Readings 1914 and put in heretical note on Christ's nature but 'conflicting opinions...have been rectified.'
1966 Mar 17: LE Froom to AL Baker
Typed Excerpt: 'division of view' over Christ eternally pre-existent or a derived being; 'sinless nature of Christ during incarnation'
1966 Mar 18: LE Froom to A Gallagher
Typed Excerpt: Brimsmead agitation on 'sinful, fallen nature of Christ' in Branson's 'Drama of the Ages' book corrected along with 'Bible Readings'
1966 Apr 25: LE Froom to RV Gentry
Typed Excerpt: 'vocal minority held a dissentient view...muffled our witness until 1888'
1966 May 10: LE Froom to DS Porter
Froom claims CS Longacre admitted his Arian views wrong after reading 'Questions on Doctrine'
1966 Aug 16: LE Froom to CB Clark
Typed Excerpt: 'a group of diehards in the 20th century that denied the eternal pre-existence and deity of Christ'
1966 Nov 22: LE Froom to RA Anderson
Typed Excerpt: Recounts his roll to 'formulate a uniform Baptismal Covenant' based on the 1931 Fundamental Beliefs.
1966 Dec 7: LE Froom to BE Robin
Typed Excerpt: Froom misquotes EGW 'Holy Spirit is all the fulness of the Godhead bodily'; EGW correcting Wm Boardman said 'is the Spirit in all the fulness of the Godhead.' Ms21-1906.11
1967 Mar 22: LE Froom to CR Anderson
Typed Excerpt: Froom announces completion of his book 'Movement of Destiny' urged by AG Daniels; requests Wilbur Alexander, Raul Dederan, WGC Murdoch, Walter Specht to especially look at the appendix entry 'Only Begotten Son'
1967 Apr 19: LE Froom to RH Adair
Typed Excerpt: Questions on Doctrines 'have [sic] done more to unify us than anything else'
1967 May 26 LE Froom to CE Platner
Froom tells his early history, education, mission experience in China, association with Daniells, Ministry magazine founder, many more accolades...'Eternal Verities Triumphant' original title for 'Movement of Destiny' to 'win the respect of the religious world.' Mentions his 12' and 18' charts.
1967 Jul 25: MK Eckenroth to LE Froom
Typed Excerpt: Remembers his 1937 evangelistic meeting when informed by a Nazarene preacher that Daniel & Revelation taught Christ as not possessing co-eternity of past existence with the Father. He makes a public renouncing of Uriah Smith's belief.
1967 Aug 15: LE Froom to RA Anderson
Typed Excerpt: Questions on Dactrine is history and history cannot be changed.
1967 Nov 15: LE Froom to ER Gane
Typed Excerpt: Congratulates Gane, explains why the SPA revision of Daniel & Revelation didn't change Smith's Arian view: becasue of Schultz and French; JS Washburn attack on Prescott; 1931 Yearbook Statement written by FM Wilcox, etc.
1967 Nov 30: LE Froom to CB Clark
Typed Excerpt: Doxology proves the majority were Trinitarian; only a few Arian
1968 Jan 10: LE Froom to CB Clark
Typed Excerpt: McLennon's Holy Spirit-the angels; again misquotes EGW 'Holy Spirit is all the fulness of the Godhead' and 'is just as definitely a person as is the Father or the Son'
1968 Jan 15: CB Clark to LE Froom
Typed Excerpt: Why wasn't the Holy Spirit also in the counsels of God? Christ was the only being in all the universe! GC 493
1968 Mar 12: LE Froom to WR Martin
Typed Excerpt: Requests Martin to evaluate his latest 'monograph' on the Deity of Christ from a totally different approach'
1968 Mar 13: LE Froom to D Ford
Typed Excerpt: Froom appeals to Desmond Ford the need for a simple 'series' on the Deity of Christ, the Incarnation, Virgin Birth, Trinity, Personality of the Holy Spirit'
1968 Mar 13: LE Froom to PA Hopkins
Typed Excerpt: Asking for American Bible Society's reaction to his 'monograph' on 'the Second Person of the Eternal Godhead.'
1968 Apr 12: LE Froom to WR Martin
Typed Excerpt: Requests Martin to give him personal guidance.
1968 May 1: W Alexander to LE Froom
1968 May 20: WR Martin to LE Froom
1968 May 23: LE Froom to WR Martin
Typed Excerpt: Froom's plan to develop a series of 'monographs' on other themes of 'The Eternal Verities'
1968 Jul 17: LE Froom to GM Brown
Typed excerpt: Froom asks a student of EJ Waggoner if she detected any indication that he shared his father's views of Christ as a derived being.
1968 Aug 18: HJ Chapman to LE Froom
Typed excerpt: explaining Uriah Smith's understanding of begotten
1968 Aug 19: LE Froom to GM Brown
Typed Excerpt: Another inquiry if he had every heard anything about Christ being a derived being.
1968 Aug 29: LE Froom to RA Anderson
Typed Excerpt: White estate challenged on EJ Waggoners position.
1968 Sep 18: LE Froom to EP Howard
Typed Excerpt: Froom laments EJ Waggoner's Arian statements wishing for a later disavowal by him.
1969 Apr 13: LE Froom to Dr E Higert
Typed Excerpt: Froom enjoys name dropping in winning recognition from 'the world's great scholars'
1969 A[r 22" WR Martin to LE Froom
1969 June 24: LE Froom to RE Finney Jr
Typed Excerpt: Explaining his collection of materials as requested by AG Daniells because 'we were divided in our views'
1971 Aug 19: LE Froom to HW Clark
Promoting his book 'Movement of Destiny'
1976 ? RK Sutton to Vance Ferrel
10 page letter with many historical references tracing the history of the apostolic faith to the Advent movement
1985 Janet Cox Letter to Elder Standish Text
Excellent appeal for three persons in two Beings
2010 October Appeal Letter to Ted Wilson
Written in congratulation of his election to the General Conference presidency four months prior and for his stand on a literal reading of the Bible with an appeal to allow SDA members to also believe in the literal divine Son of God whom the eternal Father sent into the world as a part of Himself. The original copy was sent directly to Ted Wilson and later hand delivered to him August 13, 2011.
2011 January Email to Gerhardt Pfandl
Providing additional details regarding the Greek word used by John in his gospel quoting the words of Jesus in describing his "proceeding forth" and "coming out" of the Father as a followup to our discussion during a visit to the BRI in November, 2010 because of his interest in further study into these passages.
2011 April Emanation Paper prepared by Ekkhardt Mueller
A paper written to address the Exelthon discussions emailed from Gerhardt Pfandl after notifying us that he would be unablt to keep our scheduled appointment with him at the BRI. Ekkhardt's content is colored brown; Gary Hulquist's comments are in black.
2011 June Annotated Statement of Beliefs
Document prepared for a called meetings of the church elders, pastor, and conference ministerial director to provide a detailed exposition of our beliefs as requested.
2011 August We Believe Handout Sheet
A single page list of all scripture and Ellen White quotes describing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit which was handed out to those who would accept it at the church business meeting on August 6, 2011.