1 Air
2 Water
3 Exercise
4 Nutrition
5 Sunshine
  6 Purity
  7 Rest
  8 Trust
  9 Attitude
10 Hygiene
 How often do you see a doctor? Just an annual check up? Or, like many, you may have a monthly appointment for a chronic condition...or two. You may be on various presciption medications that require monitoring and refills. Maybe your condition is so complex or critical you find yourself being admitted to the hospital. That could all change if you were under the care of God's Doctors.
 The ten physicians listed above have earned a reputation for low cost, quality care without side-effects or high risk invasive procedures. They are on-call around the clock and offer the benefit of additive synergistic medical outcomes when all modalities are used as directed on a consitent and regular regimine as outlined below.

Doctor 1: Pure, Fresh Air

“God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” Genesis 2:7

Air with its life giving oxygen is an absolute necessity. On average we get a fresh supply every 4 to 5 seconds. We can go without water for a few days, and without food for a few weeks. But we need a constant supply of air. Without it we’ll die in just a few minutes.

Every cell in our body needs oxygen. Every day 2,000 gallons of blood gets exposed to the air we breathe in our lungs. Fresh air, especially outside air supplies us with valuable negative ions to strengthen our immune system and resist disease. Lack of fresh air, indoor living, closed windows, raises the risk of fevers, colds, and lung disease.

The benefits of fresh air don’t stop there. It also invigorates our thinking, refreshes the body, improves the appetite, and promotes a sound sleep at night. So, open the windows, air out your house at least once a week, cultivate plenty of house plants to generate your own supply of indoor oxygen!

We can also breathe the air of heaven in meditation, in prayer, and the reading of God’s Word. “In the matchless gift of His Son, God has encircled the whole world with an atmosphere of grace as real as the air which circulates around the globe.” Steps to Christ p. 68

Doctor 2: Pure, Clean Water

“A pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.” Revelation 22:1

Water is the second most critical need for life. Our bodies are about 70% water and it requires a constant supply. The brain is 80% water and is especially vulnerable to dehydration. That headache that you get at the end of the day may not just be from stress, it could be painful results of your “wet computer” drying out.

Water has been called “the universal solvent.” A wide array of organic substances dissolve in water and can be transported in our blood stream. Water is thus immeasurably valuable in cleansing our system of metabolic wastes. Without an adequate daily supply, a toxic state will result in a sense of ill-health, fatigue, muscle aches, joint pains, and irritability.

Not only water on the inside, but frequent bathing is a definite health benefit.
Warm baths soothe our nerves. Hot showers stimulate perspiration and the excretion of wastes through the pores of our largest organ: the skin. Warm water on the body’s surface increases circulation to the kidneys, stimulates peristalsis of the bowels and promotes digestion.

“Many make a mistake in drinking cold water with their meals. Food should not be washed down. Taken with meals, water diminishes the flow of the saliva; and the colder the water, the greater the injury to the stomach. Ice water or ice lemonade, taken with meals, will arrest digestion until the system has imparted sufficient warmth to the stomach to enable it to take up its work again.” Counsels on Health p. 119

Doctor 3: Physical Exercise

“The LORD God put the man into the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it.” Genesis 2:15
MOVE and keep moving!

We were deigned to move.
Exercise, work, walking and moving increases the circulation, dilates the blood vessels, strengthens the heart and all muscles.
 Walking is probably the all-around most effective and practical exercise. Walking after a meal is an aid to digestion; but strenuous work can actually impair digestion as the demand for blood to supply the muscles of our limbs can rob that available for the internal organs.

Just as a stagnant river soon becomes overgrown with algae and bacteria, so lack of exercise will encourage infection in our stagnant blood.

Keeping the blood moving is even more critical as we age.

“Use it or lose it”
is still very true.
Longevity is directly related to the integrity of our oxygen delivery system: lungs, blood, vessels, and muscles in our limbs and heart.

Circulation is the key to life

“Brisk, yet not violent, exercise in the open air, with cheerfulness of spirits, will promote the circulation, giving a healthful glow to the skin, and sending the blood, vitalized by the pure air, to the extremities.” Counsels on Health p. 53

Doctor 4: Nutrition

“Whether you eat or drink...do all to the glory of God.” 1Corinthians 10:31

You are what you eat is more true today than ever before. A big intake of salt increases our intravascular volume, pumps up the tension in our arteries, and raises blood pressure. That thick steak loaded with cholesterol leaves its mark on your coronaries.

Cakes, pies, donuts, candy bars and high fructose corn syrup in just about everything now days is the number one source of empty calories and full bodies that are tipping the scales of an overfed and undernourished nation.

The answer, though ancient, is pure and simple. Man’s original menu in the garden is still the best of breed. Fruit, veggies, nuts, and seeds are packed with phytonutrients, enzymes, and minerals perfectly designed for our bodies. Eden Lifestyle serves the Eden Diet. Fresh, organic, and live. Teaming with live enzymes, live vitamins, live flavonoids, live carotenoids, and live isoflavones.

Enzymes are specialized proteins that digest the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in our food. Fresh, live food comes pre-packaged with all the enzymes needed for its own digestion. But cooking that same food inactivates the enzymes which are structurally denatured along with all the other proteins, many of which give our food its firmness and texture. When cooked, food turns soft and enzymes are toast.

Now our pancreas has to come to the rescue and furnish all the enzymes to digest that limp, over-cooked, de-vitalized meal. Today, our over-worked pancreases are producing an epidemic of diabetes.   Learn More Here
Doctor 5: Sunshine

“Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun” Ecclesiastes 11:7

Being outdoors when the sun is shining is the best way to get your daily dose of Vitamin D. This sunshine vitamin is a marvelous addition to our health in so many ways. Not only important to calcium absorption and the maintenance of strong bones, it also lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, the risk of diabetes, arthritis, a swarm of cancers, and even multiple sclerosis.
Concern over ultraviolet radiation and the fear of skin cancers has boosted the sale of “sun blockers” and turned would-be sun bathers into indoor hermits. While fair skin certainly increases the likelihood of sun burn, getting your solar bath during the morning or late afternoon hours, and minimizing the fat in your diet practically eliminates the specter of the dreaded C word.

Far-infrared at the other end of the solar spectrum has been shown to penetrate soft tissues up to 2 inches to speed wound healing, improve immunity, and stimulate circulation by dilating vessels and reducing blood viscosity, inflammation, muscle cramping, and edema.

“Pure air, good water, sunshine, the beautiful surroundings of nature—these are His means for restoring the sick to health in natural ways. To the sick it is worth more than silver or gold to lie in the sunshine” Counsels on Health p. 166

Doctor 6: Pollution Free

“You are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you. If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy” 1 Corinthians 3:16,17

Wow! Those are strong words. Amazing that God can dwell in us! Sobering thought that defiling our temple bodies warrants destruction. And we see it every day in the masses who abuse themselves by turning their own bodies into toxic waste dumps and produce toxic waists.
Tobacco tars and carcinogenic distillates oozing into lungs and siping alcoholic embalming fluids are indeed toxic wastes.

But washing down pieces of dead carcasses, pharmaceutical mystery chemicals, and lifeless concoctions of fat, sugar, and salt with gallons of carbonated, caffeinated, artificially sweetened, artificially flavored and artificially colored “soft” drinks are the major cause of toxic waists.

True health is freedom. Drug-free. Aspartame-free. Nicotine-free. Alcohol-free. Caffeine-free.
100% YOU!

“Men professing godliness offer their bodies upon Satan's altar, and burn the incense of tobacco to his satanic majesty.
Does this statement seem severe?
The offering must be presented to some deity. As God is pure and holy, and will accept nothing defiling in its character, He refuses this expensive, filthy, and unholy sacrifice.” Counsels on Health p. 83

Doctor 7: Rest

“Come unto me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Nothing helps you sleep better
than a hard day’s work.
Naturally tired. Naturally sleepy.
That’s the way it’s supposed to work.
Us moderns like to think we can cheat on exercise, skip meals, then run on adrenalin all day, celebrate with a bedtime banquet and wonder why we toss and turn all night. Whoa, Nelly!
Consult Doctors 1 through 6
and you’ll really enjoy Doctor 7!

The Bible tells us that “six days you shall labor and do all your work.”
That’s in Exodus 20:9.
It also recommends taking a whole day off from work every week, a vacation, a palace in time, a time to remember Who made you, and why.

Oh, but we have two days off for the week end.
And what do we do?
Shop ‘till we drop, turn into party animals, and drain every last drop of energy out of us so that we can enjoy our Monday morning blues with a hang-over and a trip to the medicine cabinet for relief with side effects.
Take time to recharge.
“Those who are always busy, and go cheerfully about the performance of their daily tasks, are the most happy and healthy. The rest and composure of night brings to their wearied frames unbroken slumber” Counsels on Health p. 53

Doctor 8: Trust

“If you will listen to the voice of the LORD your God... I will put none of these diseases upon you...for I am the LORD that heals you.”
  Exodus 15:26

What a promise. No diseases!
If we will only listen to His voice. It’s the voice that made us and the only One who can heal us.
All healing comes from the Great Healer.
    He is the Life. In Him is life.
The return to total health begins by accepting that Life into your life. There is no alternative.
There is no substitute.

Trust is assurance, confidence, hope and reliance. Trust removes doubt, worry, anxiety, and fear. Fear breeds stress, and stress creates headaches, hypertension, insomnia, depression, ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, impaired immunity raising risk of infections, hormonal impalance, hair loss, hives, and even asthma are all triggered or worsened by stress—and it all starts with a lack of trust. So listen to your Creator!

“Fear not! I am with you.
  Be not dismayed; for I am your God.
  I will strengthen you;
  yes, I will help you.
  I will uphold you with my right hand.”

             Isaiah 41:10

Doctor 9: Attitude

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Proverbs 17:22

A positive attitude of gratitude
is a critical factor in life and absolutely imperative to good health.
So then, with an open mind, let’s set our mental compass in the direction of success, backed by fierce determination, and a confident expectation of experiencing exactly what our Creator provides.

Doctor 10: Hygiene

“Having therefore
these promises,
dearly beloved,
let us cleanse
ourselves from
all filthiness.”
2Corinthians 7:1
Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Sanitary practice makes perfect.
A clean bill of health begins with a clean building: inside and out.
An ounce of prevention is worth 453 grams of cure. A clean environment will insure a healthy one. Handwashing is a simple, practical measure that can save us all from a whole host of communicable diseases. Brushing your teeth is good oral hygiene promoting a fresh breath and preventing dental decay. Remember, “If you’re not true to your teeth, they’ll be false to you!”

Change your clothes when soiled or sweaty. Perspiration is a lot like urine. Sweat contains toxic substances that can be reabsorbed if you keep on wearing that old stinky clothing.

So let’s clean up our act—both inside and outside!

“Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” 3 John 2.

That’s both a wish and a promise.