Peter’s Song

Words and Music by Gary Hullquist

Recorded 1972 in Loma Linda, California


Voices and Singers:

Steve and Peggy Guptill, Gary and Carolyn Hullquist, Timothy Hullquist, Ron Richardson, Bernice Guptill




Change your ways! 'Cause the

Kingdom's almost here but you can

Miss 'n still be near it if your

Mind is tuned to other things that

Blind you like a light that stings your eye!


Straighten out your lives! Don't you

Know this world's a mess of dirty

Politics 'n yesterday was

Just the start of something worse to

Bust a new corrupting curse or lie!


You see I baptize in the water.

but there is One Who uses fire.


Get down on your knees! And

Repent to God of all the pride 'n

Selfishness you find inside to

Let His promised Spirit give your

Life and soul a chance to live a-new!


Change your ways! 'Cause the

Kingdom's almost here but you can

Miss 'n still be near it if your

Mind is tuned to other things that

Blind you like a light that stings your eye!


I need Your grace and yet You ask of me,

To wash away the sins You do not have.

You see I baptize in the water.

But here's the One Who uses fire.

He's the Lamb of God, the Promised One.

With words of love and truth and fire!


Woman at the Well

I hear what you say,
I see you standing there,

And yet I can't believe

You're a Jew, but then, I'm Samaritan.

I don't know why you ever
asked a drink from me.


If only you knew just
who you're talkin' to.

You'd ask Me for the water
I could give to you.

Never thirst again: eternal life within.

It's what you need to make a better life.


Sir, I would love to have some;

No need to make this trip again.


I would like to see your man and family.

My gift is free
to everyone who comes to Me.


I'm not married, man!

It's five you've married, and

The man you live with now
is not your own!


Sir, you must be a prophet,

Telling me of all I've ever done!


Why does your race insist it
has the only place to

sacrifice to almighty God above?

Our temple doors
are just as good as yours.

Now just what's wrong with
our Mount Gerazim?


God doesn't care,
a think about just where,

But worship Him now
with the Holy Spirit Power.

Worship Him in love,
we know that God is love.

My sister hassle not, receive my power.


I know a King is coming,

He'll tell it straight just like it is.


You'll have to wait no longer.

The Saviour Christ is here. I am that Man.




Storm on the Lake

There's a storm a-comin' and the
wind's a-blowin' hard.

Better tighten up the ropes, you guys,

Don't slack that sail a yard.

The clouds are movin' over.
We'll have to play it right.

Or we'll never, never make it thru this
cold, dark night.


Now she's sittin' deeper and there's
water in the hole.

Pull her 'round, Andy, cut your sail.

We're almost gonna roll.

I can't keep the water out, she's
sinkin' out of sight.

And it seems we'll never make it thru this
cold, dark night.


Jesus brought us out here to
die a sailor's death. And we've

fought this gale with oar and bail

But now there's nothing left.

Master, wake up, hurry, and
save us from the night.

'Cause we'll never ever make it thru this
cold, dark night!


Peace, be still!

Why are you so afraid, Ye of little faith?




Who's First?



Peter: Well, now, gentlemen,

must we start again?

There's no reason to

question my claim.

Don't you see I'm oldest here?

Seems to me it's very clear.

Yes, Prime Minister will be my fame.


Judas: Pete, your strategy

sounds like flattery.

You could better serve in the defense.

We need quality, bus'ness ability.

Seems only right we

use my competence!


We're the Lord's company.
Rulers for His Majesty.

Each of us can become the
number one man

So why not settle for first!

Top Dog that's what we'll be.
No more insecurity.

But what this kingdom needs are
my noble deeds. And it's

easy to see the best one here is me!


James: Looks like what you said has

gone right to your head.

But, Judas, you've moved us

into the race.

Our chances are lookin' very good.

A vote for Jim is what you should.

By thunder, vice president

will be my place.

John: I would like to say my piece,

Brother James, I

wonder when you'll understand.

If I persevere,

it's my name they'll cheer,

By thunder, maybe I can!




The Way, the Truth, the Life

What really do you mean?
You say I'm good. There's
no one good but God.

You spoke the truth and
never knew before.

That I'm the One the world is looking for.

I am the way, the truth and the life.

No one finds the Father but by Me.


You asked what to do to save your life.
There's nothing you can do.

The way to life is more than rules to keep.

It is the gift the Saviour give's His sheep.

I am the way, the truth and the life.

No one finds the Father but by Me.




Triumphal Entry

Hallelu, Son of David, Hallelu.
Christ is King, sing Hosanna, Hallelu!

You're our Man, Messiah you'll
save our land from Roman rule.

Christ is King, sing Hosanna, Hallelu!


Sing Hallelu, Hallelujah,
to Jesus our brother, sing Hallelu!

Peace to you on earth,
praise to God on high!

For He will show you the way!


Follow the star to His humble manger,
Bornn in the city of Bethlehem.

The world seemed to treat Him
as a total stranger,

The Saviour which is Christ the Lord.


Nothing about Him lets you
know for certain

Is He a king or a carpenter?

But something about Him makes you
feel for certain,

He'd smile and give you
ev'rything He had.




Priestly Plottings

This man Jesus can hardly please us.

He's strong and independent
just the same.

To expose our trite hypocracy
as a white beaurocracy

Seems to be His one and only aim.


There's no reason why we
can't charge treason to this

Man who calls Himself the Jewish King.

We've got to find a way to
put this threat away before the country

learns His name to sing.


They are following Jesus.
He's gaining popular fame.

We are losing to Jesus.
He's winning us at our own game.


Section twenty shows that
we have plenty of the

kind of evidence to back our case.

Working on our holy days,
our laws He disobeys.

It's either Him or face a
national disgrace.


What we need is proof, but
He is so aloof.

He claims to be the very Son of God.

But that is just impossible,
His blasphemy's atrausable!

That settles it: He's nothing but a fraud!


The Upper Room

I have told you before, that
I won't be anymore with you.

Please, don't trouble your mind.

'Cause I'm coming back to
make you mine, it's true!


You're our Master,
we'll never leave you, Lord!

We will help you fight the Roman horde!

Don't you worry, you'll never be alone!

Once we get you on King David's throne.


You can't follow me there.
You'll cry; they won't give a care, I know.

Don't aspire upper class.

This world is just not gonna last to show.


You must banish selfish pride.
And pray 'til unity inside is secured.

Then the Spirit of Truth, will live in you
to help you move the world!


I have told you before...

        You're our Master,

        we'll never leave you, Lord!

Please, don't trouble your mind...

        Don't you worry;

        you'll never be alone!

You can't follow Me there...

        You're our Master,

        we'll never leave you, Lord!

You'll cry; they won't give a care...

        Don't you worry;

        you'll never be alone!





Peter's Denial

Oh what have I done,
what horrible thing to You?

All I cared about was saving my skin.

As they were beating You and
all I could do was lie.

Why? I don't know why
it has turned this way.

I can hear You say,
"This is where we'll pray."
And now I guess it's true: there's no
way to change what you do.

How could I be so untrue...and to You?


I remember how I
promised to die for You.

Even tried to take things into my hands.

I thought we'd make our move and
then I could prove my vow,

How, I don't know how
You can die for me.

With such perjury,
It's too much for me.

And now I guess it's true:
there's no way to change what you do.

But my life is changed anew
'cause of You.



Alone on the Tree

Just yesterday I saw Him walking
with some people all around.

They said He spoke of peace and love
far more than they had ever found.

How could this every happen?
He was the King of the Jews!

But there He is all alone on the tree.
How can it be? It's too hard to believe.

Other lives He saved from
sin and despair.

Now He's hangin' there and
no one seems to care.


I thought the angel told me that His
name would be Emmanuel.

He changed the water into wine and
made the blind and crippled well.

I knew He was the Saviour.
He was the King of the Jews!

But there He is all alone on the tree.
How can it be? It's too hard to believe.

Other lives He saved from
sin and despair.

Now He's hangin' there and
no one seems to care.


To see the Son of God was much
more than I had ever dreamed.

Then Jesus saw me fishing and He
gave my life a brand new theme.

He called me His disciple.
He was the King of the Jews!

But there He is all alone on the tree.
How can it be? It's too hard to believe.

Other lives He saved from
sin and despair.

Now He's hangin' there and
no one seems to care.




Hush Money

Don't you tell a single person
what you've seen or
what you have heard.

It might serve just worsen our
self-esteem. Not a word!

        We saw angels sing.

        They called Him King. He

        rose to bring the day.

        Now we know He's the

        Son of God. We just

        don't know what to say!


You can say that you were sleeping. Ah--
And His men they stole Him away.

We'll pay you just for keeping
the truth, then we'll be OK!

        We saw angels sing.

        They called Him King. He

        rose to bring the day.

        Now we know He's the

        Son of God. We just

        don't know what to say!



Mary's Song

Once I used to wonder how a
God could ever be. There was

nothing more to life than living.

But then I saw the Lord of heaven
die on Calvary.

All for me His life was full of giving.


So, I've just got to tell you 'bout this
Man who set me free. In

all the world it's far the greatest story.

He took darkness from my life and
filled my heart with joy.

Oh, will I ever see again His glory?


More than I could ever hope for
Jesus was to me.

He's the One who put my life together.

'Cause I was blind and almost lost.
But now I'm found, I see.

He was all the life I had forever.




At the Tomb

Mary, Mary, stop your weeping.
I have risen to set you free.

Mary, Mary, just remember
how I told you to trust in Me.


And I will rule as my Father's Jewel
where someday your home will be.

My kingdom spans to the northern lands
through all eternity.


Mary, Mary, stop your weeping.
Go tell my brothers
what you have seen.




Jesus is There

When I was alone, away,
I looked back on my day and

saw the hand of Jesus touching
every moment there.

So close was He at my side,
so much did He want to hide my

life with His that I was shaken
just to see Him there.


Jesus is there to guide you,
right beside you, He will hide you.

He wants so much to answer.
You only have to pray.


Many times I would cry and plead,
so worried of my need that

I was blind to see Him reaching
out to take my load.

But now it's so clear to me.
He's waiting eagerly to

Give His children every blessing,
promised untold.


Jesus is there to guide you,
right beside you, He will hide you.

He wants so much to answer.
You only have to pray.