200+ Scripture Songs
on your phone or tablet
Keep a song in your heart, or in your phone, iPad, tablet, or laptop. TRSC Scripture Songs is a small free app giving you access to over 200 favorite Bible verses set to music with both instrumental and vocals tracks complete with karaoke-style lyric highlighting for easy sing-along learning.

Hundreds of favorite sing-along words and guitar chords is a handy reference download to your phone or tablet. Includes guitar chord chart and several indexes. Click on the cover picture to download your own copy.

FREE Oats Bible Software
for Android or Windows PC

Oats Universal WebApp

 Peter's Song Musical 1972 Home-brew rendition in response to the then popular Broadway production, "Jesus Christ Superstar"

30-part series of video shorts revealing the true cause of sickness, pain, suffering and death. And the answer to every problem facing the human race: love, joy, peace. Packed with references and plain talk. Villains and Heros, lies and truth. It's all here.